La cita: ‘Moderator’s instincts told him to keep on driving, but he could not bring himself to ignore the young man’s great looks. Before he was aware of what he was doing, he had already stopped the car, had rolled down the window on the passenger side, and was leaning over to ask the goioborge…
Ah, les vignobles…(ii/iii): ¡La baronesa!
La cita: ‘With the coming of Moderator began the part of my life you could call my life on the vineyards. Before that I had often dreamed of going North to see the grapes, always vaguely planning and never taking off. Moderator is the perfect guy for the vineyards, because he actually was born between…
Ah, les vignobles… (i/iii): nos enamoramos de un vizconde.
La cita: ‘My moderator had taken his shirt off and was pouring mussels on his chest, to facilitate the tanning process’ (H.S. Thompson, adaptación libre) Viajar con un moderator siempre tiene ventajas. Conoce los mejores restaurantes, cómo escoger el vino, viene dotado de eficaz GPS, cuenta las historias más increíbles sobre jamelgas, mantiene eficaces relaciones…